Five questions all feminists are sick of answering


I’ve been a freelance writer for a few years now, and I’ve written about the issues than women face when we enter fully into the world that differ from the issues men face. I’ve written countless pieces on safety in travel, solo backpacking for women, how to face the world as a single woman, how to dine alone as a woman when traveling… the list is pretty extensive. If you would like to read my travel writing, let me know and I’ll point you to the right direction.

As a result of all this writing for women, my inbox and FB messanger app is jammed full of quetions and comments (some nice, some not so much) from both men and women about the work I do.

Honestly, I love hearing from readers, especially when its to exchange stories, or hear about your travels, or the specific things that you encounter…

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Five questions all feminists are sick of answering

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